Property Inspections
Property Inspections
We understand it’s imperative to monitor the condition of your asset, so we regularly inspect your property. After each inspection you will receive a full written report on the property’s condition and this will include photos.

During these inspections
We will conduct a maintenance inspection as well as a general check of the internal and external condition. Should any major maintenance be required, you will be notified immediately.
You can also be confident that a detailed final inspection is carried out after the tenant has vacated and before bond monies are released. Once again you will receive a written report.
 “I am so pleased that I made the change to InvestRent.
Everything from property inspections, lease renewals, maintenance and rent collection and disbursement has been carried out with the utmost professionalism.”
Thanks Simone!
Everything from property inspections, lease renewals, maintenance and rent collection and disbursement has been carried out with the utmost professionalism.”
Thanks Simone!